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  • Primary School
  • Lifelong love of learning



Welcome to Foundation

Miss Stone is the teacher in the DUCKLINGS and Mrs Scovell is the class teacher in the CHICKS.
Mrs Nash, Mrs Murray and Mr Stanton are also working with us this year.


Thank you for all of our lovely gifts.   

The children have had a great year and so have we!

We can't wait to see the children all grown up as Sparrows and Parrots in September.

Have a great summer!


Dates and Events
Info to follow.



As previously mentioned if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Miss Stone can be contacted on

Have you added any of your feedback to Parent View ?
Parent View is an on-line questionnaire and is Ofsted's main source for gathering parents’ and carers' views about a school. It would be very helpful if parents took a few minutes to add their comments to Parent View as well.

If you would like to add your feedback to the website about how you things are going in Foundation for you and your child please go to

We really can't wait for September, we have lots of fab things planned and are looking forward to working with you all.

In September our topic is going to be 'All About Us'  During the topic we will be finding out about ourselves, our families, our homes and our interests. We will spend time getting to know each other and finding out about how our bodies work as well.


When you start school remember that we are starting slowly, and going home early on Wednesday and Thursday, this means that you will have lots of time to tell people at home all about your adventures.

On your first day, you need to be in school at 8.45  wearing your  new school uniform.

 Please remember to bring your book bag and your wellies.

 When you come into school you will find a box with your name on for you to put your bookbag in and everyone has a peg with their name on.  If you remember your wellies, make sure you have your name in them and then drop them in the wellie box. 

If you remember all of this you are doing really well, and are already super prepared to start exploring.


On Friday of the first week we will send home letters with additional information, about WOW's, Show and Tell, Forest School and PE.  PE Kit needs to come into school (named) ready for our first session.


Remember over the holiday to be practising reading your name, doing up your coat, practising your buttons and buckles, smiling and giggling!  - Don't panic we will help with everything, but these things make life a little easier.


Over the holidays remember to have an amazing time and lots of adventures with your families and friends. We can't wait to hear about all of your adventures.

September is going to be great fun! 

Arboretum Visit

Phonics Songs - Have Fun!

Still image for this video

Information for new parents with children joining Foundation in Sept 2014
