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- It's Month of the Military Child 16th April 2024
- It's official - we are a GOOD school 3rd May 2023
Welcome to the Year 3 and Year 4 Class Pages
This year we have three classes;
Eagles - Miss J Reeder, Kingfishers - Mrs K Anstee and
Toucans - Mrs E Coumbe
This term we are learning about the CIRCUS!!
This term our topic is 'Circus Circus'. We will be continuing our studies of the human body in science, exploring some countries further away in Geography, researching miracles in R.E. and finding out about the history of the circus around the world . In P.E. the children will be doing team games and athletics. If you have any resources or information which may support us in school, we would be very grateful. :-)
BIG WRITE! This term we have started BIG WRITING on a Thursday morning. To support this, we will be sending home a 'talk homework' to support discussion and idea generating the day before. Discussing the task with your child will help them greatly in generating ideas for their writing. Please talk to your child's teacher if you have any questions.
Reading records - all the children have new reading records this year. Please make sure they are in school every day and you are keeping an up to date log of your child's reading.
P.E. kit - the children will be doing P.E. every Wednesday and Friday. We request that they have both indoor and outdoor kit for both sessions so we are not limited by the weather.
Have you added any of your feedback to Parent View ?
Parent View is an on-line questionnaire and is Ofsteds main source for gathering parents’ and carers' views about a school. It would be very helpful if parents took a few minutes to add their comments to Parent View as well.
If you would like to add your feedback to the website about how you things are going in Key Stage 2 for you and your child please go to