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  • Gateway
  • Primary School
  • Lifelong love of learning

School Uniform

Gateway School asks all its pupils to wear a school uniform.


The school uniform comprises:

  • White or purple polo shirt.
  • Black or dark grey bottoms - either trousers, shorts, culottes or a skirt near the knee.
  • Purple sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece with school logo for all year groups except Year 6.
  • Year 6 pupils wear a black sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece with school logo.
  • Low-heeled, black shoes or trainers. (trainers must be entirely black)


  • Purple and white checked summer dresses can be work in summer months.


School Uniform can be purchased from our online shop. Please logon below to see uniform and prices available online:


We also hold regular second hand uniform sales, with items available for £1. If you require further assistance with the cost of school uniform, please speak to the office, or a member of school staff in confidence. 


Please make sure all your child's clothes are clearly marked with their name.


We do not permit children to wear makeup or to have their nails painted. Long hair must be tied back and only one stud earring can be worn in each ear - no other jewellery is allowed. 


P.E. clothing

Indoor lessons

Black shorts, a white T-shirt and plimsolls are required for indoor lessons. 


Outdoor lessons.  

Children are required to wear appropriate sports wear for the lessons. In the winter months, tracksuit bottoms and a hooded sweatshirt are acceptable. Trainers should be provided for use on the playground or on the field.



Children in Key Stage 2  go swimming for a period of two terms during the school year. All swimmers require swimming trunks/costume and a suitable hat.  Bermuda/board shorts are not acceptable. Please provide a permission letter if you would like your child to wear goggles for their swimming lesson.


Routinely, stud earrings must be removed for all PE, Games and swimming lessons.  However, during the 6-week initial period of studs being worn, a child may be able to participate in some physical activities with the studs remaining in place, provided the studs are taped over and the school is in receipt of a note from the parent/carer accepting full responsibility for any injury that results.

