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Religious Education at Gateway Primary School:
Here at Gateway we follow the The Oxfordshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, which was republished last year. In order to meet the statutory requirement that religious education must reflect the fact that ‘the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian, while taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain’. To achieve this, we focus on Christianity by exploring all core questions through Christian traditions, rituals, beliefs and lifestyles. Other faiths, traditions and beliefs are used to broaden and deepen the exploration of the questions, so that our children develop a growing awareness and understanding of the nature, role and influence of different religions, traditions, beliefs and lifestyles in the world.
Oxfordshire SACRE has also taken some account of recent case law (Fox v Secretary of State for Education) and the Report’ use of ‘worldview’ as central to the provision of high-quality RE. We have adopted the Report’s understanding of ‘worldview’ as a person’s way of experiencing, responding to and understanding the world: 'A worldview is a person’s way of understanding, experiencing and responding to the world. It can 7 be described as a philosophy of life or an approach to life. This includes how a person understands the nature of reality and their own place in the world. A person’s worldview is likely to influence and be influenced by their beliefs, values, behaviours, experiences, identities and commitments. (Report p4)'
RE offers children the opportunity to:
RE at Gateway allows children to:
RE across our school:
RE in the Early Years Foundation Stage supports the achievement of the Early Learning Goals through appropriate subject content, according to the needs of the pupils and the resources and expertise of the staff.
KS1 and KS2:
Key Stages 1 and 2 focus on Christianity whilst also drawing from Hinduism, Islam and Judaism, as well as non‐religious worldviews, to provide appropriate depth and breadth to the exploration of the core questions and to meet the needs of the children. Reference to other religions, traditions, beliefs and lifestyles can be used to illustrate specific points, to reflect world events, or to include those represented in the class.