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Safeguarding support for parents

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Sarah Gardner. She is also the Lead trainer for the school. Mrs Gardner works closely with the School Business Manager, Gill Lock, to ensure appropriate checks are made when interviewing new staff and recruiting.  The DSL meets regularly with the Safeguarding Governor, Kelly Mahon, to check policy and procedures in school. 


As a school we take safeguarding extremely seriously. It is fully embedded in everything we do here at school. We discuss safeguarding at every staff meeting, SLT meeting and TA meeting. Staff are trained regularly on latest guidance and any changes to legislation as well as having their Generalist Safeguarding every 3 years.  Safeguarding is at the centre of everything we do. 

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

MASH is a multi-agency team which identifies risks to vulnerable children


 If you are a member of the public with a concern for a child call 0345 050 7666.


The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) has been set up to enable the sharing of information between services so risks to children can be identified at an early stage.


It is a link between schools, GPs, the police, ambulance service and social care.

MASH is a partnership between Oxford City Council. Oxfordshire County Council, Thames Valley Police, The National Probation Service, NHS health services, South Central Ambulance Service and Drug and Alcohol Services.

What is the MASH?

Useful links:

Helping parents to understand the sexual development of children
