Latest News
- It's Month of the Military Child 16th April 2024
- It's official - we are a GOOD school 3rd May 2023
Welcome to the Y5/6 Team
Mrs Marshall, Mrs Stace and Mrs Barrett (Owls), Mrs Stevens and
Mrs Roberts (Peacocks) and Mr Sumpter and Mrs Masters (Doves)
What a busy term! Not only are we are continuing our Circus topic we are also busy rehearsing and preparing for our end of year production. Everyone please learn the song words and anyone with a speaking part: you need to know you lines by Monday 23rd June.
We have an exciting event on Saturday 5th July, our Summer Fete. We are hoping to raise much needed funds to purchase new books for our library in preparation for the new curriculum in Spetember.
Please sign up to help us on our class stalls, we will not be able to run them without you, you can sign up with a friend, family memeber or your child.
Please note all classes have Outdoor PE on Wednesday afternoons and with Sports day rapidly approaching please ensure you have the correct kit in school everyday so we can ensure we can have lessons when we have fine weather.
Outdoor PE kit: Tracksuit (or similar) if cold/suncream and hat if warm, a white PE t-shirt, black shorts, trainers and socks.
Have you added any of your feedback to Parent View ?
Parent View is an on-line questionnaire and is Ofsteds main source for gathering parents’ and carers' views about a school. It would be very helpful if parents took a few minutes to add their comments to Parent View as well.
If you would like to add your feedback to the website about how you things are going in Key Stage 2 for you and your child please go to