Latest News
- It's Month of the Military Child 16th April 2024
- It's official - we are a GOOD school 3rd May 2023
Welcome to Foundation!
Thank you so much for all of your amazing gifts that you gave us today. We have had a great year working with the children and wish everyone a lovely summer holiday.
As the children move into Year 1 they will have more adventures and have lots more fun.
Please don't forget to pop by the gate to say a quick hello!
From September Miss Stone will be the teacher in the DUCKLINGS and Mrs Scovell will be the class teacher in the CHICKS.
School starts on Wednesday 4th of September.
The new F1 children will be in school from 8.45 until 12noon on their first day.
Please wear your lovely new school uniform and bring your book bag with you.
(Ask grown-ups to make sure everything is clearly labelled)
On Thursday F1 will be in school from 8.45 until 1.15. Everyone needs to bring their packed lunch with them on Thursday as well as their bookbag.
On Friday we will all be in school until 3pm.
Please deliver and collect from the classroom gates - as you walk down the side of the hall, between the hall and the KS1 building the Chicks class is on the left and the Ducklings are on the right.
The adventures in the Ducklings and Chicks will be exciting and we have already decided upon some of our topics for the coming year.
We will be starting with ' This is me' a topic all about ourselves, so that we can get to know each other.
If you haven't managed to bring in your blue pack with your admission documents or your Happy Days sheets please bring them in on Wednesday when you arrive at school.
As previously mentioned if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Dates for Diary
Thursday 3rd of October will be F1 Harvest Festival - this is an F1 only event which parents and carers are invited to.
We will be performing in the hall at 2.15 followed by coffee and cake together.
Have you added any of your feedback to Parent View ?
Parent View is an on-line questionnaire and is Ofsteds main source for gathering parents’ and carers' views about a school. It would be very helpful if parents took a few minutes to add their comments to Parent View as well.
If you would like to add your feedback to the website about how you things are going in Foundation for you and your child please go to
Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!